14th CT Mission of Mercy Free Dental Clinic in New London, CT

NEW LONDON, CT- On November 12 – 13, 2021, we held our 1st CTMOM micro mini dental clinic in New London County. Due to the pandemic, our Central Team decided that to keep everyone safe, we would need to reduce the size of the clinic and provide treatment in the safety of private dental offices. Dental and medical screenings, and radiology were held in a local church hall. Patients and volunteers were required to follow strict Covid protocols at all times. Patients were provided with KN95 masks, and social distancing was required and enforced. Patients were then scheduled for appointments in 4 different private dental offices for the following day. Stationed at the exit were volunteers who provided patients with toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss and oral health instructional brochures. On the screening day, 97 patients attended. They received a medical screening, dental screening and x-rays. On the clinic day, 94 patients were provided with more than $64,000 in free dental services. It is our intention to build upon this type of clinic model to bring CTMOM to different counties in the state along with our full clinics.

CTMOM provides dental services for individuals who cannot afford the cost of care. Free services offered at the 2021 CTMOM clinic include: cleanings, exams, extractions, fillings and x-rays.

For more information on the clinic, visit our website www.cfdo.org.


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