We Can’t Do It Without You! The CFDO offers a number of opportunities to support CTMOM. Your gift, at any level, will change lives.
Sponsorships allow your organization to get your company name in front of dental and health professionals, community volunteers, and patients. You will be acknowledged on the large donor posters at the clinic.
Thank you to all of our
CTMOM Free Dental Clinic Donors, Partners and Sponsors!
Premier level

Diamond level

Platinum level
The Koopman Share of the Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Barbara Ellen Miller Charitable Foundation
Titanium level
Rapoport Family Fund

Gold level

BFA Endowment Fund: Jean Shiro Zavala
Stanley D. and Hinda N. Fisher Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

George W. Whelen IV

Silver level

Bronze level
Auerbach Schiro Foundation Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Robert and Josephine Bicknell
Haleon GSK*
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Kathy Grummon
Gabriel & LuAnn Izraelevitz
Dental Works, LLC*
Dr. Laurence & Mrs. Vera Levy
Luisa Piemontese
Bob Wilson Media*
TAC Medical Repair*
Coursey & Company*
Colony Hardware*
The Michael and Susan Perl Family Fund
Elevate Oral Care*
Dentsply Sirona*
Ivoclar Vivadent*
Douglas Lane & Associates, LLC
International College of Dentists Global Visionary Fund*
Virtue Dental Repair*
Utility Communications*
Denise D’Ascenzo Foundation
Dr. Walter & Dr. Carolyn McGinn
Community Foundation of Greater New Britain
American School for the Deaf*
Champions level
Lisa Perry-Swain
Dr. Fred & Mrs. Fran Landy
Mr. Peter & Mrs. Shirley Jeffrey
Jane Piro
Mr. Carl and Mrs. Claire Strand
Dr. Bruce Tandy
Thomas Pastorello
Adriana Pizarro
Unitex Textile*
American Eagle*
Supporters level
Susan Boyan & Bruce Johnson
Peter Gottschalk
Dr. James Watts
Dr. Bruce Cha
Dr. R. Steven Hall
Dr. Jeffery and Ms. Holly Pivor
Dr. Elizabeth Alligood
Heather Johnson
Douglas Fenichel
Maribel Rivera de Napoleon
Bruce Johnson
Dr. Damon Jenkins
Dr. John Hambrook
Dr. Todd Rubin
Dr. Monica Teredesai
Dr. Agnes Herceg
Dr. John Crocamo
Dr. Hisham Rifaey
Dr. Annemarie Delessio-Matta
Ann Demsky
Dr. Chun Daniel Tseng
Dr. Gregory McKenna
Dr. Cheryl Sobieraj-Wadhwa
Dr. Tatyana Oks
Dr. William Ryan
Dr. Man Hong Chau
Dr. George Mantikas
Dr. Allen Rosenthal
Walmart VAP Program Hours
Kathy Grummon
Caterpillar Foundation Matching Gift
Howard Adams
In Memory of Dr. Joseph Oleynik:
Holland & Knight Corporate & Trade Group
Friends level
Dr. Jackqueline Mclean
Dr. Perry Wasserlauf
Kathleen Clavet
Dr. Bruce Nghiem
Bonita Martin
Kathleen Clavet
Dr. Gregory Schmitt
Dr. Joseph Gargano
Dr. Gary Toubman
Dr. Joshua Goldman
Dr. Patricia Richards
Dr. Richard Risinger
Dr. Sarah Balaster
Dr. Sarah Curcio
Dr. Dana Jones
Jennifer Salkin
Dr. Carl Prota
CTMOM Media Partners

CTMOM Partners
America’s Dentists Care Foundation
Access Health CT
Community Health Center Association of Connecticut
Community Health Centers, Inc.
Connecticut Dental Health Partnership
CT AHEC – Connecticut Area Health Education Center
Connecticut Education Association, Inc
CT AHEC Network AmeriCorps
COHI – Connecticut Oral Health Initiative
UCONN School of Dental Medicine
Coursey and Company
The City of New Britain
New Britain Dental Society
Connecticut State Dental Association
Connecticut Dental Hygienists’ Association
Connecticut Dental Assistants Association
American Red Cross CT/RI
AmeriCorps NCCC Delta 7
Jean Cronin, President of Hughes & Cronin Public Affairs Strategies
2025 CTMOM Kickoff Sponsors

2024 CTMOM Volunteer Appreciation Sponsors
The Hartford Wolf Pack
Thomastown Lanes
Lisa Perry-Swain