Pete and Shirley Jeffrey
Our first clinic was in 2012 here in Danbury and we were hooked. We had seen a news piece, a year, or two before, of a clinic in Virginia and we were moved by the scale and the overwhelming need and decided if one came to CT we would volunteer.
From that first one and every year thereafter we have found them to be a rewarding experience, in every sense of the word. You may be exhausted by the time all is reloaded on the truck and you head home but you feel like you have been in a small part of something so great.
You can see the need in our communities throughout the state of Connecticut and the relief, satisfaction and often tears in the eyes of all those we have been able to help, which makes it all worthwhile.
Couple that with the opportunity to work alongside with some of the finest people we have ever had the opportunity to know and associate with. This has been the best possible way to spend our retirement years. We look forward to many clinics in the coming years and thanks to all of you who have become such an important part of our lives.
—Pete and Shirley Jeffrey